Thursday, June 14, 2012

What is Traditional Cupping Therapies

Cupping Therapy is more and more popular in the world.

Now at fist,let me tell you what is traditional cupping therapy.

•Traditional use has been multi-cultural, with clear records from early Egypt, China and Greece. This spread through Africa and the eastern European cultures, and was also used by the natives of America.
•American doctors carried cupping sets into the early 20th century, and the breast pump developed from this era.
•The most prevalent use has been in Traditional Chinese Medicine and requires knowledge of TCM theory.

What is the difference between current vacuum therapies and traditional Chinese cupping?

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, stationary cups are placed on the skin and left fora period of five to fifteen minutes, and the cups may also be moved over the area to raise “sha”. The goal of Chinese cupping therapy is to move stagnation of blood and chi, disperse internal heat, and other applications based on Traditional Chinese Medicine diagnostics. Traditional cupping therapies are also generally used in many cultures on adults and children for respiratory conditions, pain relief, and multiple other uses in home health care.

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